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English quotes

Zindagi tere naam have best collection of english quotes, english thoughts, english shayari and status.

we have 2 lines, love romantic and sad english thoughts and shayaris.

English shayari for friends, love, shayari for love, english quotes for GF, BF. English thoughts for husband and wife. Only sad, love, romantic, life and best one line 2 lines shayari english quotes.

To be understood || English quotes

English quotes || But to be understood is something too rare, too pure and exceptionally precious.
But to be understood is something too rare, too pure and exceptionally precious.

People there for us || true lines || English quotes

can we stop the time for the once to thank the people who were there for you even when they were themselves in a mess?

A letter || English quotes

English quotes

Some people || beautiful lines || english quotes

English quotes || Some calls dont happen daily but they always start with the same smile that we had while putting the phone down...some bonds don't need a daily reminder... Some people are forever ❤
Some calls dont happen daily but they always start with the same smile that we had while putting the phone down…some bonds don’t need a daily reminder… Some people are forever ❤