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Dil te laggi kade uchi gayea na karo muthiyaan bhar namak diyaan ghumde ne loki apna har jakham har kisi nu vkhayea na karo

Dil te laggi kade uchi gayea na karo
muthiyaan bhar namak diyaan ghumde ne loki
apna har jakham har kisi nu vkhayea na karo

Best Punjabi - Hindi Love Poems, Sad Poems, Shayari and English Status

My best friend || english quotes

You are someone I found as a stranger…but today you are part of my heart…you are my happiness whenever I need to share my feelings with I lookup to you…i know I can irritate you,tease you , get angry but our friendship will never break due to such reasons…you are the only one I am comfortable with being around my self…i don’t want many friends…I just want you as my best friend forever…

Title: My best friend || english quotes

Happy new year and thank you for ALL love…

Thank you
for all the love you've given men this year,
thank you for giving me
so much to be grateful for.
Happy New Year
Thank you
for all the love you’ve given men this year,
thank you for giving me
so much to be grateful for.
Happy New Year

Title: Happy new year and thank you for ALL love…