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Source of relief || Kindness English quote

Kindness is a source of relief to the soul of the giver, creating a sense of fortitude that is incomprehensible to those who do not know what kindness is all about.

Janvier Chouteu-Chando

Title: Source of relief || Kindness English quote

Best Punjabi - Hindi Love Poems, Sad Poems, Shayari and English Status

Kush nazraa || punjabi 2 lines love shayari

Kush najraa sirf mohobbat mngdiya ne…
Samjhiya kr sajjna…

Kush najraa sirf mohobbat mngdiya ne...
Samjhiya kr sajjna...
Kush najraa sirf mohobbat mngdiya ne…
Samjhiya kr sajjna…

Title: Kush nazraa || punjabi 2 lines love shayari


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Mundiyaan vattaondi tu
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