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Ena saukha ni, bhula tainu saahan vich maddiyaa e me tainu

Ena saukha ni, bhula tainu
saahan vich maddiyaa e me tainu

Best Punjabi - Hindi Love Poems, Sad Poems, Shayari and English Status

Follow your Most Intense obsessions || English quote

Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly

Franz Kafka

Title: Follow your Most Intense obsessions || English quote

DIL DA HAAL || True 2 lines Love shayari

Love Punjabi Shayari | tere ton door raha tan kis tarah dil da haal v dasan tan kis tarah

tere ton door raha tan kis tarah
dil da haal v dasan tan kis tarah