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Keep that friend || true friendship thoughts

Keep that friend that accepts you for who you are. been telling you, “I’m here to support you,” and will respect you behind your back. Guiding you through your journey while reaching your goals.A friend 

who knows you have nothing but never gets tired of choosing you. A friend that love you for who you are, not because of what you have.

They are gold.♥

Title: Keep that friend || true friendship thoughts

Best Punjabi - Hindi Love Poems, Sad Poems, Shayari and English Status

इश्क़ || love hindi shayari

एक लहजा है उसका
पायल आहट है उसकी
वो दिल में ही कहीं रहती है…
हवाओं में उसकी खुशबू
बारिशों में उसका अश्क
माना के वो पास नहीं है,
लेकिन आसपास रहती है…

Title: इश्क़ || love hindi shayari

Bappu tention ni Leni

Bappu Tention vich na reha krr

Ehh gareebi di jarrd he muuka deni aw

Tu na zayada fikkrra vich reya krr

ehh Zindagi hai

aur ehh be sikhra te pahuincha deni aw

Teri klli klli mehnat da mull pavva ga

Mere toh koi lamba ni ayega enna te teri

Pagg da mull pavva ga,

Aur firr deh neh jo klol krrdeh

Onna deh muhh be mai aap bndd kravagaa

Mera time aun deh enna diya cheenka

Be mai aap kdavainga,

Ehh net te bhonk deh rehnde neh jo enna nu nath mai aap pavvainga

Kaamyaabi di be jitho takk gll reyi ooh be leh k avvainga,

Te din raat mehnat jaari rehgi (jo hunn be hai)

  1. Aur kujj na kujj bann javainga

Title: Bappu tention ni Leni