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List of Contributors || Authors Page

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Sumit Rajak

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suraj bayadwal

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Ashish Maurya

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Omkar Singh

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Sam Khan

ਟੁੱਟੇ ਹੋਏ ਆਂ ਖੜਕਾ ਕੇ ਨਾ ਦੇਖੀਂ, ਛੇਤੀ ਬਿਖਰ ਜਾਵਾਂ ਗੇ ਅਜ਼ਮਾ ਕੇ ਨਾ ਦੇਖੀਂ ।

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shyama shah

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Gurnoor Singh

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Ashmita kaur

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Shagun Tomar

I am a Indian poetess and book lover.. Born in Meerut.. I inspired to write from my childhood memories and personal experience which I got from my life and it also gave me a new way to live a life...

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