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Meri kabr || two line shayari

Bhut rishtedaar hai mere mohalle walo ke lekin
Tere kadmo ki aahat sirf meri kabr par rukti hai…💯

बहुत रिश्तेदार हैं मेरे मोहल्ले वालों के, लेकिन,
तेरे कदमों की आहट सिर्फ मेरी कब्र पर रुकती है…💯

Title: Meri kabr || two line shayari

Best Punjabi - Hindi Love Poems, Sad Poems, Shayari and English Status

Someone else priority english lines

Someone else priority english lines

Time and Money both important || no care of their money

Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Title: Time and Money both important || no care of their money